Thursday, February 26, 2009

The climate here has been striking. Because this is the tropics and the sheer amout of biodiversity is greater, humans' relationship with the environment is different. In North America, for example, there is less life- creatures great and small have space to live as they please, including humans. But here things are more tightly woven. Because the climate can support more life, more life exists. It is everywhere- canopies of leaves, strings of ants, birds, bees, people, snakes, vines, fruit trees, and butterflies. All of these living, growing things exist in very close proximity to each other, unlike the living things in North America's cooler climate. This closeness, for humans, means living in a unique harmony with nature and everything nature entails. So basically, there are little gekkos on the walls of the livingroom and ants on the kitchen floor. If you sit outside, a butterfly will probably circle your head while other unidentifiable insects rest on your arm. There is so much life it's spilling everywhere.

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